Love or hate your body that's your call. A decision that only you can make, you can either harbor love or hate for your body. Do you wish to change one thing, if I may ask, what would that thing be? If you think it will make you feel better than you are not alone. You may feel that you are too
dark, too light, too skinny, too tall I will like you to know that everyone has one thing or the other they would like to change about their body.
Seriously for me, it's my... By the way, there are lots of reasons to appreciate the body God has given you. For a fact appreciating yourself is more beneficial than condemning yourself. Appreciating yourself is more fulfilling, less stressful, and more empowering than condemning yourself. If you don't like something change it. This is a phrase to live by, constantly obsessing over something leads to depression, not the solution.
Work on your flaws and stop complaining. what are you missing out on when you dwell on not liking your body? The answer is a lot. Imagine the friends you would have met, The places you would have visited, the occasions you would have participated in, The dresses you would have worn, all because of your dwelling on the wrong thing.
How to defeat Body Hate.
Prepare a list of people you admire, Who do consider beautiful in your mind, Who do you rate high up the charts, Who is fantastic? What are the most important traits a person should have, Who are the people you think have made the most impact in this world or in your life, Who fits your admiration?This list should not just be Entertainers, Music Stars, or Actors. It should also contain people who are inventive, kind, smart, and purposeful. Because you could or maybe a bunch of those things yourself.
Self Confidence Should Be A Badge.
You can start wearing self-confidence today, put it on like a badge because it carries honor. Stop complaining about your hair, shape, nose, face, or whatever. Anytime you criticize yourself your body is listening. Your body responds to your commands.When you don't feel good about your self you express it in the way you talk to people, the look you give, and how to carry yourself in general because your feelings are internalized. You are hurting the person you love the most, and that person is none other than you. So do yourself a favor and love your body.
Focus On The Things To Dwell On.
Focus on the things you like opposed to the things you don't like. You see that simple and should be taken literally. Stay busy, make your self useful in order to feel value. And when you shift your focus to the right things, you will notice a change in your emotions and behavior.You are a boss; a Lady Boss or a Man Boss. You are the boss of you. Don't be subjected to how you feel, feelings change, you feel this way today and feel another way the next. Have fun, choose your style, put on beautiful attires, Do what feels good and you won't feel bad. Follow the heart and you would be happy.
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