Create The Beautiful Halo Eyes- How To Apply Eye shadow

<img src="Eyeshadow.png" alt="A woman picture of how to apply eye shadow">

One of the best ways to give your eyes that definition and shape is by the halo Eyeshadow illusion, it is like the contour for the eyes.  If you what to learn how to do halo eyes, you are on the right post. I am going to show you how to achieve these beautiful halo eyes in four simple steps.

Step One.

Before you apply eyeshadow, it is important to even out the skin tone on your leads, so you can make the eyeshadow pop. And for that you need to prime your leads, the best way to do that is by using a concealer. After you blend the concealer inset it with a loose powder or any powder you have.

Choose A Transition Shade For The Corners. ( Second Step )

It is easier to choose shades that are close to the color of your skin, so they can melt in or blend well with your skin tone when you blend them out. But you can also use colorful eyeshadows, whatever your option is.

Use a bullet top pencil brush because it is much easier to blend in smaller areas. Take the bullet top brush into the eyeshadow color of your choice and place the eyeshadow in the inner and outer corners of your lead, leaving the middle part.  Soften it out so it does not look weird. Use a blending brush for that. Soften it in the corners and blend it through your crease.

Deepen The Corners Of Your Eyes (Third Step)

Take the bullet top brush and use an eyeshadow that is a little bit darker than the transitional shade you used at the beginning and repeat the first step.  Which is to place it on the inner and outer corners of your lower and upper lead, leaving out the middle. use a blending brush to deluxe it at the corners and over your crease line.

Use Lighter Shade In The Center Of Your Leads.

To create the illusion of round halo eyes, you need to use darker shades in the corners and lighter shades in the center (middle part).  So you can choose a gold shade or any light shade you prefer to place in the center of your upper lead. You can apply this with a --- brush or your finger. Use the bullet brush to blend the edges out.

Apply the gold color or any other color you have chosen in the right-center of your lower leads.  You can use a flag definer brush for this.  Spay the brush with setting spray so the eyeshadow will be held in place. If you want to amplify your gold color, you can use a glitter eyeliner and apply it right in the center of your leads (this is optional).  And that concludes the Halo eyes, You can finish it up with mascara, eyeliner, or eyelashes.

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bullet top brush, flag definer brush.

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