A lot of us don't know the value of honey, honey is important to the skin and hair. Honey keeps your skin hydrated and tight in order to give you clearer skin. It has antiseptic, antioxidants, and antibacterials that help to fight acne by keeping your pores from dirt and oils. It also good for your face because it opens up your skin pores and cleanses it to get rid of
blackheads. That said let's go to the list of things you can do with honey.
For dried Lips
Exfoliate your lips and apply a little honey on your lips before you sleep, when you wake up your lips will be soft and smooth.
For Acne
Apply honey on the affected area, cover it with a bandage. Leave it over the night and rinse I with warm water the next morning, do this repeatedly till the acne is gone.
For Scars
Apply a thin layer of raw honey on the scar, leave it over the night. Preferable organic honey. Do this repeatedly till the scar is gone.
For a glowing skin
Mix Raw honey with Two parts of raw aloe vera gel. Apply on your face before you go to bed.
For Split Ends
Get rid of your split ends in one day by using honey mixed with olive oil. Apply to the ends of your hair for moisture and to treat your dry ends.
Use Honey To Lighten Your Hair
Mix Honey with Choromile tea. Spray the mixture on your hair and place a shower cap over your hair. Leave it overnight and rinse in the morning.
Use Honey To Remove Blackheads.
Mix honey with lemon juice and apply to the affected area, leave overnight and rinse in the morning.