Glow Up Challenge- How To Look Prettier In One Month


Real beauty is from within, whats within will always reflect on the outside.  You have to be comfortable inside in order to rock material things. We always talk about trying out new trends, but trying to pull off something that does make you comfortable is not wise at all. Wear clothes that help your confidence, not clothes that
will lower your self-esteem. If you don't feel good in that dress there is no point wearing it.

Look Good

Now looking good is about knowing what looks beautiful on you, It showing off assets your proud of and camouflaging assets you not too proud of. If you want to look good you have to know what fits your shape, your skin color, proportions, and your contours. You can achieve this by trying on the clothes you buy from the store, look in the mirror, and see if it fits you. It may seem difficult at first but assessing yourself will build your fashion sense and this will help you in the future.

Self Love

Put on gorgeous nightwear, underwear, perfume, or makeup, just for yourself regardless of whether someone will see it or not. Do it for your self, this will boost your confidence, and change the way you see your self. Go out and spend money on your self, look feminine if your female or masculine if your male and lounge at home all by yourself. You can also take your self out maybe to a restaurant or to go shopping. Choose what you deserve, take time to select what to wear, remember self-love is a style.

Make Adjustments

Lookup trends and select the best details and dresses that work well on you. Customize and style your outfits to look good on you. When you buy clothes whether online or in stores, you can give a Taylor to adjust the material to your fit. If you can't afford a Taylor you can do this by yourself, just make sure you know what you're doing, so you don't make the dress worse. This can make a very big positive difference in your appearance.

Dress For The Occasion

Pick clothes that suit the occasion. Wearing dresses that are completely off, for an event can reduce your self-esteem. People may sometimes point fingers at you, laugh at you, or even mock you to your face when you dress off for an occasion. Note it is important not to pay any attention to what people say, don't let that affect you in any way, guard your heart. But you can also avoid that by taking the time to pick the right outfit. If you're not sure of what to wear for a certain event, go on google and search what to wear. For example, you can search 'type of dress to wear, to wedding ceremony'.

Get Feedback From Others

You can also ask for feedback from friends and family, whether or not they like the outfit on you. Someone can simply take a look at you and tell you whether or not the outfit fits you. But I suggest that you learn to trust yourself with these things, depending on your fashion sense because that will take you far, confidence is also a style.

The good news is you don't need a lot of money, a perfect body or the most luxurious clothes to look fabulous; You just need to have a good sense of fashion and work with what you have. This is how to bring out the best in you.

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