<img src="Tarragon pasta.png" alt=A plate of mushroom< leek and tarragon pasta.">

Leave water in the pot to boil (for the pasta),
Before the water comes to a boil,
Slice some mushrooms for your sauce,
Add olive oil to your heated frying pan,
Pour in your mushrooms to your pan,
leave in till it changes color, then turn over.
Chop one Galic and add to your mushrooms
Prepare your leaks by cutting two straight slices back and front to the center, then wash.
Cut your leaks into small diced quarters
Pour all your diced leaks into the pan
Stir the mushrooms and leak till all the water in the leaks dries off.
Add Chicken stock in and let it cook.
Now move over to your boiling water and add in pasta
You can use lacinia sheets, macaroni or any pasta will do.
Turn your mushroom sauce to low heat, and add 1/2 cup of cream.
let it cook for about 4- 5 minutes
Check if your pasta is cooked.
Then add your pasta into the sauce ( make sure you remove  the water from the pasta before you lay it into the sauce)
Your pasta should be medium cooked (not too soft)
Let it simmer a little, allow your pasta to sit in the sauce for while before your serve.
Garnish with chopped Tarragon leaves and you can serve with a slice of toasted Tobago bread.

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Credits # Gordon Ramsay